Tuesday, June 17, 2008


To all my students,

Thank you for a great year. I hope you gained some knowledge and understanding of the world around you and use it in the years to come. REMEMBER REGENTS is on June 20th @ 1:15 PM. I will be conducting a review session that morning at 9:00 AM in the auditorium. I would like to get pizza and drinks if everyone could chip in 3 bucks. You worked long and hard all year, lets wrap this up and enjoy our summer.

Regents Challenge Results:
These are the results of the finals between the 1st,2nd,3rd,5th,and 6th period classes first place winners. Congratulations and good luck on your regents.

5th place - team MOON - period 5
4th place - Geo-Juice - period 3
3rd place - Junk-in-the-trunk - period 2
2nd place - Marinara is Sauce - period 1
1st place - For Sparta - period 6

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Congratulations to the College Now Science class for taking 1st Place in the Six Flags Roller Coaster Physics Challenge. Special thanks to Mr. Pane and Mr. Gordon for their invaluable help in making this possible. Also a very much appreciated thanks to Julius Damato , Frank Davino , and Jonathan Warner for volunteering their early mornings and afternoons to completing the project.

Tom and Jerry
The Ride