Friday, March 19, 2010

Open School Night

Dear parents,

I greatly apologize for not being able to meet with you on Thursday 3/18. I have becoem ill and could not make it in. Please leave your contact information with Mr. Lamberti or on a sheet of paper at the classroom door. I would like to give a special shout out to all my students who worked so hard this term to acheive so much. The trip to AMNH was a great success and I thank you and your children for making it an enjoyable experience. (Pics to follow.) I would also like to give a special shout out to my 3rd Period AVID group for the work they did on thier group presenattions and business models - EXCELLENT JOB!!! In the coming months we will be gearing up for or Regents exams. I ask that you help in making sure they have every possible resource to aid them in acheiving at their potential i.e. tutoring, study guides, review books , etc... Your child must complete the number of labs set form by the state. This means that coming to lab and completing the labs is very important. The scedule of labs for my classes is as follows: Living Envirnment -  Tues., Earth Science -  Thurs., and Physics - Wed. Some of the  labs they will have to complete on thier own as a group. Please be diligent in doing so. I thank you in advance for your cooperation and help in making your childs education a fun and exciting one as well as a successful one.

Mr. Lucci
Science Department