Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nasa Scientist for a Day Contest Entrants

These are the following students who's essays have been entered into the NASA Scientist for a Day Contest. The names are followed by your entry registration number.
Mike DiMartino - 678
Dwayne Briggs - 679
Jose Lopez - 680
Joe Willis - 681
Chris Belle - 683
Christina Siliato - 682
Warren Davis Jr. - 684
Daniel Agalia - 686
David Ramirez - 687
Robert foster - 689
Piero Ochoa - 690
Deanna Rivera - 691
Daniel Rivera - 692
Doneen Cummings - 694
Maria Sorrentino - 695
Emilio Paoli - 696
Lauren Lubin - 697
Karina Avila - 699

Monday, October 27, 2008

Marking Period #2

Let me first start by saying thank you to all the parents who came up to open school night. I hope I shed some insight into your child's education. I look forward to working with you in making this year a successful one for your child.

Second we are now into the second marking period. Our time for this period is very brief. The marking period ends on 11/26. All students please be sure your complete all assignments and study because there is no room for error in this marking period. Some important dates to keep in mind, 11/4 students are off and 11/11 there is no school. Please remember to be diligent in your studies.

Reminder lab this week will take place in room 302 (Computer room).

Monday, October 20, 2008


The end of the marking period was 10/15. Progress reports were given out on Friday 10/17. Parent Teacher Night will be this week Thursday night 10/23 and Friday day 10/24. Hope to see you there.